A challenging one. How many times does House mention this word?
2x - 8x08-"Perils of paranoia": (18:35 and 36:40).
3x - 3x10 Merry Little Christmas x3 (5.17) To team "Cuddy and 'idiop' being the relevant parts of that sentence" (5.21) To Chase "Then you'd be just as big an idiop as her" (14.09) To Foreman "Only an idiot stands between Ahab and his whale, move"
2x "Pilot" - 1st: House to Rebeca Adler: "You're being an idiot"; 2nd: House to Foreman: "You idiot!".
x3 - Nobody's Fault - House yells at Park, "No, you idiot!" while throwing the patient file at her. // House then says to Cofield "Unless you're and idiot you know why I thought Park was an idiot."
1x - Last Resort 5x09 - Cameron: "Is he absolutely sure of that, Mexico, Costa Rica, you've never been to…"
Patient:"I've never been anywhere south of Florida" // House: "You Idiot"
3x - 1 x 9 (DNR): House calls the clinic patient an idiot for neglecting to tell him he's diabetic; House calls his staff idiots in court; House calls Dr. Marty Hamiton and idiot.
3x - 3x06 Que Sera! Sera! 3x 4’27 “So many idiot icons to choose from.”, 5’09 “Some idiot cop…” & 18’46 “Did you tell him that statistics also say he's a big fat idiot?”
3x - Dying Changes Everyting 3x (11'36/ 26'11/ 21'15)
1x - -8x07 Dead & Buried: x1 (36:11) House says:"Which idiot did the pregnancy test?"
3x - - 8.01 Twenty Vicodin: x3 (12:13, he tells the patient he is trying to make Dr. Adams look like an idiot), (13:00, he tells Dr. Adams that it's not like he was trying to prove she's an idiot) and (26:36, he tells the patient "she's not your girl, you idiot)
1X "The Jerk"(3.23): At 40:18 referring to his team as "Idiots" for thinking it was amyloidosis.
2x - 7x14 "Recession Proof" x2
1x - 5.18 Here Kitty: 1x House said "you're an idiot" to the POTW
3x - 7. 20 (Changes) x3 1 and 2) House says to Foreman" You're a repressed idiot; he's [Chase] a horny idiot. Neither one of you can do anything about it." 24:12 // 3) In response to Wilson telling House that House is going to "say I'm sorry and not utter one syllable more" to Arlene, House responds, "Because I"m an idiot?" 25:37
1x - 1X18 Babies & Bathwater - House says to Cuddy: "Those parents are not abusive they're idiots." (13:10)
x2 7x05 "Unplanned Parenthood" (19:42) "Dr Chang's an idiot." (19:49) House to Taub, "You're an even bigger idiot."
2x - 3.05 (Fools for love) 5:46 House to Tritter “Sorry, already met this month’s quota of useless tests for stubborn idiots” // 14:06 House to team: “There’s a reason that we don’t let kids vote, or drink, or work in the salt mines. They’re idiots!”
1x - The Dig (7.18): To Thirteen, “Please say no because you’d have to be an idiot to actually screw that up."
1x - 2x24 No Reason: (4:20) To shooter: "The shooting just makes you an idiot."
1x - 4x06 Whatever it takes "You Idiot" to the CIA agent (34'05)
1x - 2.11 (Need to Know) 28:39 House to Mark: "Idiot."
4x - "Ugly" 4.7
1x - 7x13 - Two Stories: x1
1x - -2.01 "Acceptance": x1 33:40 House calls himself an "idiot"
1x - "Role Model" - "Idiopathic from the Lat. We're idiots…." (20:40)
1x - 1.02 "Paternity" - House walks into Cuddy's office where the patient's parents are sitting. House: "You idiots! You're not Dan's parents!"
x2 'The Greater Good' 1. (27:20) House tells Thirteen not to allow Foreman to turn himself into the drug trial people 'unless you actually feel something for the idiot' // 2. (40:42) says 'idiot' to Foreman when discussing him turning himself into the drug trial people
1x - - 7x11 "Family Practice": x 1: House: Another pop quiz. How many idiot doctors does it take to switch an I.V.? (22:57)
3x - The Fix X3 - When House is talking with the 'experimental drug' scientist on the lab he mentions this word twice: "idiots" and "Do I look like an idiot?"; House to the boxer "You're an idiot."
1x - 4x13 No More Mr. Nice Guy - 1x - 2:30 House calls the patient an idiot
1x - 4x8 You Don't Want To Know: 1x tells Kutner he's an idiot (25:25)
2x - 6x05 Brave Heart - 2x (23:10) House says his team: suppose for a moment that we are not idiots, // (27:20) Foreman: we know that the patient is an idiot, what else have we discovered?
1x - 6x15 (Black Hole) : 05:16 House called thirteen idiot for thinking that either smart women looks out for each other or Cuddy’s not smart
1x - 3x04 "Lines in the Sand" - 1x - to the team in the chapel.
1x - 8x15 Blowing the Whistle (14:55) - House calls Taub an idiot for his theory.
1x - 3x02 Cane and Able - (13:20) House: the results came back. They could not identify the metal. It may be alien…Chase: really? House: No, idiot, it's titanium
1x - 4.5 "Mirror Mirror" - 1x House calls Cole an idiot for not finding enough clues about the patient after searching his car
3x - 4x4 "Guardian Angles" 8:22 House calls Cole "Idiot" and 8:10,8:48 tells Bosley 2x to call Cole an Idiot for him
1x - 7x06 "Office Politics" x1 House to Masters: So I'm hiring an "idiot"
1x - 6x19 "The Choice" (29:59) House to Chase: "NILLAS. No, IDIOT, lactate levels are stable."
1x - 1x03 Occam's Razzor House talking to Cuddy saying "idiot doctors"
4x - 5x01 Dying Changes Everything - 4x 11:36 to Wilson: "You're being an idiot" / 26:17 2x idiot (couples therapy) / 27'48
1x - 8x09 "Better Half" - 12:49
4x - 8x2 Transplant - House says 4x Idiots at 6:50
1x - 4.03 "97 Seconds" Calls the patient an idiot for believing there's something after death.
1x "Instant Karma"- House to 13 at 16:06
6x - 2x4 – TB Or Not TB: 6x = (3x minute 5/6, 1x minute 7, 1x minute 10 with Clinic patient and 1x minute 23)
1x "House's Head"- 28:44 "Idiots" to team
1x - 6x11 Remorse x1
5.15 Unfaithful - (23:40) POTW to House: "Do you think I'm an idiot?" House: "That's what I'm testing."
1x - 3x1 Meaning (3.59) House to Wilson "Infection throwing clots. You're an idiot."
1x - 6x01 and 02 “Broken”: You can tell Nolan that he is an idiot (House to Freedom Master short before he jumps)
2x - 5x08 "Emancipation" 2x 1. "Our job is to find out what's killing patients, not treat them for chronic idiocy." 2. (to POTW) "You're an idiot. You'd rather die than face your parents because, what, you broke their Faberge egg?"
1x - 8x16 Gut Check - 1x to Taub "unless Chase is the idiot, in which case I do have brain damage"
4x - 3x17 Fetal Position: (3.12) House tells the patient her doctor an idiot for his diagnosis // (23.42) When House and Cuddy are arguing, reference to the 'fetus' doctor' House: "Then she'd be an idiot" Cuddy: "Too bad she's your boss'"
-(30.47) Cuddy visits House at home to talk about his patient. House: "Helps yo know they're idiots" House: "you're not objective, but you're not an idiot
-(32.20) House calls Chase an idiot after a suggestion of treatment
1x - 6X3 The Tyrant (24:50) House to Wilson's downstairs neighbour: Canada did not send troops to fight in Vietnam, you idiot."
2x - 8x12 Chase - 3x: at 12:43 House says that Taub and Chase are idiotic; 37:30 House calls Chase an idiot
1x - 3x15 "Half Wit"- The team figures out that House doesn't have brain cancer and sends results to the hospital where he was supposed to be in a study. He yells "You idiots!"
1x - 4x12 Don't Ever Change: (38:07) House: Because she's an idiot. —about the POTW.
3x - 8x18 Body & Soul: x3 “It means you’re a bunch of pathetic idiots in Mong.” // “Hocus Pocus! On my feet you idiots must focus!” // “With idiot Doctors like you guys…”
1x "Locked In"- "Doctor idiot" referring to the doctor at the other hospital
4x - 7x02 "Selfish" 4x - 11:47 ; 14:18; 22:56; 24:24;
1x "baggage"
1x - 5x12 Painless - 2x : 6:14 29:03 he tells the POTW that his "idiot son" was responsible for his needing dialysis after drinking isopropyl alcohol
1x - 05x13 Big Baby: House talking about the patient to Cameron: "Actually this idiot will probably forgive you" (28.54)
1x - 8x22 Everybody Dies - 1x
1x - 5.20 "Simple Explanation" - 1x H: “We’re idiots” - 36.06